
Appointment Types:

1. New Student Appointment

This type of appointment is for a student applying to DSS for the first time. To register with DSS, all students must attend a New Student Appointment to complete the process.

2. Returning Student Appointment

 This type of appointment is for a student who has already registered with DSS, and already had a New Student Appointment. You can meet with your Disability Management Specialist to discuss your accommodations, concerns/challenges, and or find resources and support.


To schedule an appointment, please follow the instructions below:

    1. Click "Schedule an appointment" again in the top left corner
    2. Select show availability for "New Student Appointment" OR "Returning Student Appointment. Please make sure to select the correct type of appointment.
    3. Select your assigned Disability Managment Specialist in the "and with whom" dropdown menu
    4. Select a day and time for your appointment
    5. Click "Confirm this booking" at the end


Please click on "FAQ" to see Frequently Asked Questions when scheduling appointments with DSS.


If you have any questions, please e-mail us at or call (657) 278-3112.